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Chapter 2. The Pros and Cons
"Afterexaminingonebyonethedifferenttheories, rejectingallothersuggestions, itbecomesnecessarytoadmittheexistenceofamarineanimalofenormouspower.
"Thegreatdepthsoftheoceanareentirelyunknowntous. Soundingscannotreachthem. Whatpassesinthoseremotedepths —whatbeingslive,orcanlive, twelveorfifteenmilesbeneaththesurfaceofthewaters —whatistheorganisationoftheseanimals, wecanscarcelyconjecture. However,thesolutionoftheproblemsubmittedtomemaymodifytheformofthedilemma. Eitherwedoknowallthevarietiesofbeingswhichpeopleourplanet, orwedonot. Ifwedonotknowthemall —ifNaturehasstillsecretsinthedeepsforus, nothingismoreconformabletoreasonthantoadmittheexistenceoffishes,orcetaceansofotherkinds, orevenofnewspecies,ofanorganisationformedtoinhabitthestratainaccessibletosoundings, andwhichanaccidentofsomesorthasbroughtatlongintervals totheupperleveloftheocean.
"If,onthecontrary,wedoknowalllivingkinds, wemustnecessarilyseekfortheanimalinquestionamongstthosemarinebeingsalreadyclassed; and,inthatcase,Ishouldbedisposedtoadmittheexistenceofagiganticnarwhal.
"Thecommonnarwhal,orunicornofthesea, oftenattainsalengthofsixtyfeet. Increaseitssizefivefoldortenfold, giveitstrengthproportionatetoitssize, lengthenitsdestructiveweapons, andyouobtaintheanimalrequired. ItwillhavetheproportionsdeterminedbytheofficersoftheShannon, theinstrumentrequiredbytheperforationoftheScotia, andthepowernecessarytopiercethehullofthesteamer.
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