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Chapter 2. The Pros and Cons
"Indeed,thenarwhalisarmedwithasortofivorysword, ahalberd,accordingtotheexpressionofcertainnaturalists. Theprincipaltuskhasthehardnessofsteel. Someofthesetuskshavebeenfoundburiedinthebodiesofwhales, whichtheunicornalwaysattackswithsuccess. Othershavebeendrawnout,notwithouttrouble,fromthebottomsofships, whichtheyhadpiercedthroughandthrough,asagimletpiercesabarrel. TheMuseumoftheFacultyofMedicineofParispossessesoneofthesedefensiveweapons, twoyardsandaquarterinlength,andfifteeninchesindiameteratthebase.
"Verywell! supposethisweapontobesixtimesstronger andtheanimaltentimesmorepowerful; launchitattherateoftwentymilesanhour, andyouobtainashockcapableofproducingthecatastropherequired. Untilfurtherinformation,therefore,Ishallmaintainittobeasea-unicornofcolossaldimensions, armednotwithahalberd, butwitharealspur,asthearmouredfrigates, orthe`rams’ofwar,whosemassivenessandmotivepoweritwouldpossessatthesametime. Thusmaythispuzzlingphenomenonbeexplained,unlesstherebesomethingover andaboveallthatonehaseverconjectured,seen,perceived,orexperienced; whichisjustwithintheboundsofpossibility."
Theselastwordswerecowardlyonmypart; but,uptoacertainpoint,Iwishedtosheltermydignityasprofessor, andnotgivetoomuchcauseforlaughtertotheAmericans, wholaughwellwhentheydolaugh. Ireservedformyselfawayofescape. Ineffect,however,Iadmittedtheexistenceofthe"monster." Myarticlewaswarmlydiscussed, whichprocureditahighreputation. Itralliedrounditacertainnumberofpartisans.
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