Острів скарбів
The Old Sea-dog at the Admiral Benbow
Thecaptainglaredathimforawhile,flappedhishandagain,glaredstillharder,andatlastbrokeoutwithavillainous,lowoath, "Silence,there,betweendecks!"
"Wereyouaddressingme,sir? "saysthedoctor; andwhentheruffianhadtoldhim,withanotheroath,thatthiswasso, "Ihaveonlyonethingtosaytoyou,sir,"repliesthedoctor, "thatifyoukeepondrinkingrum,theworldwillsoonbequitofaverydirtyscoundrel!"
Theoldfellow’sfurywasawful. Hesprangtohisfeet,drewandopenedasailor’sclasp-knife,andbalancingitopenonthepalmofhishand,threatenedtopinthedoctortothewall.
Thedoctorneversomuchasmoved. Hespoketohimasbefore,overhisshoulderandinthesametoneofvoice,ratherhigh,sothatalltheroommighthear,butperfectlycalmandsteady: "Ifyoudonotputthatknifethisinstantinyourpocket,Ipromise,uponmyhonour,youshallhangatthenextassizes."
I’mnotadoctoronly;I’mamagistrate; andifIcatchabreathofcomplaintagainstyou,ifit’sonlyforapieceofincivilityliketonight’s,I’lltakeeffectualmeanstohaveyouhunteddownandroutedoutofthis. Letthatsuffice."
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