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The Professor and His Family
Itistruethattheoldhousestoodslightlyofftheperpendicular,andbulgedoutalittletowardsthestreet; itsroofslopedalittletooneside,likethecapovertheleftearofaTugendbundstudent; itslineswantedaccuracy; butafterall,itstoodfirm,thankstoanoldelmwhichbuttresseditinfront,andwhichofteninspringsentitsyoungspraysthroughthewindowpanes.
MyunclewastolerablywelloffforaGermanprofessor. Thehousewashisown,andeverythinginit. Thelivingcontentswerehisgod-daughterGräuben,ayoungVirlandaiseofseventeen,Martha,andmyself. Ashisnephewandanorphan,Ibecamehislaboratoryassistant.
IfreelyconfessthatIwasexceedinglyfondofgeologyandallitskindredsciences; thebloodofamineralogistwasinmyveins,andinthemidstofmyspecimensIwasalwayshappy.
Inaword,amanmightlivehappilyenoughinthelittleoldhouseintheKönigstrasse,inspiteoftherestlessimpatienceofitsmaster,foralthoughhewasalittletooexcitable—hewasveryfondofme. Butthemanhadnonotionhowtowait;natureherselfwastooslowforhim. InApril,afterahadplantedintheterra-cottapotsoutsidehiswindowseedlingplantsofmignonetteandconvolvulus,hewouldgoandgivethemalittlepullbytheirleavestomakethemgrowfaster. Indealingwithsuchastrangeindividualtherewasnothingforitbutpromptobedience. Ithereforerushedafterhim.
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